Thursday, December 31, 2009


Sorry I haven't blogged. One of my resolutions is to keep a family journal - something we can print and keep. Before I start blogging 2010, I thought I would review the year 2009...

Warning: This is a super long post.

January ~

We spent a weekend at the cabin - enjoying all the snow.

We also found out we were expecting a new little member of our family. It was quite the month!

February ~
We spent a lot of our time playing our new Wii.

We started having weekly play dates with my sister and Megan. Every Friday we took the kids to do something fun!

April ~

We attended our first of many Lowe's Workshops. We also enjoyed the nice weather with trips to the zoo.

May ~

We spent another weekend at the cabin - fishing, slip n sliding, tractor riding, playing in the mud...

The three of us spent a weekend away in Cincinnati. We went to the Newport Aquarium, swam in the hotel pool and met my sister and her family at Kings Island on our last day.

June ~

Colin went to his first Vacation Bible School. He LOVED every minute of it. The camp was for four hours Monday-Thursday and he had to bring a lunch. He was really excited to buy a lunch box and he helped pack his lunch at night. It was really cute.


We did a lot of fun things in July! We took big long walks at different parks, went to parades, watched fireworks and tried to beat the heat...

August ~
We had a lot going on in August. Colin had a shark birthday party for his 4th birthday. My nephew, Brendan, was born! We spent time with family - a zoo day with the cousins, Colin took swim lessons - he LOVED them. He was so good, they advanced him to the next level after one lesson...

September ~

Colin started preschool two days a week right before becoming a big brother. Carter Joseph was born on September 14, 2009. It was a big adjustment adding a member to our family. He is a little redheaded, cuddly, sweet baby. To help with the adjustment, Colin started playing soccer on Tuesdays and Saturdays. It was a great way to give him some extra attention and have something that was just his!


Carter celebrated his baptism with his first trip to the cabin. We had a great month visiting with family! (and I forgot my camera.... still waiting mom, dad and Lisa for some pictures).


We stayed busy in November trying to survive! ha. Life with two kids is WAY different. I am sure everyone told me that, but I just didn't believe them. I wouldn't change it for the world, but I think I was a walking zombie through much of November. My lack of pictures proves it. We did have two great Thanksgivings this year. Justin's family always does a white elephant gift exchange on turkey day.. Colin loved helping open and Carter loved all the attention from the family!

December ~

My favorite time of year. It was so much fun getting ready for Christmas this year. We packed up the car, ordered take out and had dinner in our jammies driving around looking at Christmas lights. The kids got to see Santa (Colin hid behind the stroller - but Carter loved staring at Santa). We baked cookies, spent time with family, made presents, and just enjoyed being together.

What a great year :) Hope yours was too!