Friday, February 20, 2009

wiii had fun....

Colin is obsessed with the wii. He woke up bright and early this morning begging to play "the weed."

Usually I'd say a 3 year old playing video games is a terrible idea... But he LOVES it so much, I had to change my mind. He is begging me as we speak to bowl but I am limiting the gaming.... and I'm sick of losing

PS. The dog gets groomed next week... I know he can't see. I finally made an appointment when he ran into the coffee table....

PPS. Those aren't my hairy legs next to Colin, he suckered daddy into a game before pancakes this morning!

PPPS.. Colin is all signed up for preschool! I'm so excited :) I toured 3 today and fell in love with the one at our local church! He starts in September and I'm already waiting for the day they call to advance him to the older preschool class...haha... do they do that cuz if they did he would so get asked to skip 3/4 year old preschool..


Kristina P. said...

I guess we finally need to break down and get a Wii!

OhioFamOf4 said...

Our kids love Wii, too! In fact I took pictures of them playing Wii Fit earlier this week. Xander figured out how to work the remote by himself so he just blows through the games. I was against it at first, too, but he's actually getting exercise without knowing it's good for him, so I just let him play. I think the balance games are also helping him a lot.

Mary said...

Colin is so cute! We've been thinking about getting a Wii. Ethan loves my dad's golf and all the crazy balance games on Wii fitness.
That picture of your doggie is hilarious!